Abstimmung über das Championsgame Modul

11 Jahre 5 Monate her - 11 Jahre 5 Monate her #5130 von SSV-Klaus
Auf der englischen Mailinglist gibt es eine Abstimmung darüber, welches Modul für das kommende Internationale Championsgame herangezogen werden soll. Zur Auswahl stehen folgende Möglichkeiten:

1) Nic74 with the dragon riders/druids mixed into the other factions
2) IR with double faction setups (=RdU)
3) Throne of Chaos variant with Duchy + Chaos race factions
4) Crown of Chaos game with SSV factions

Zur Umfrage:
Und dann oben die erste Umfrage wählen:

(Please vote for the module that you would like to play in as
the next International game of Legends at Harlequin to be
started in a couple of months time.
Created on Aug 27, 2013)

Um an der Umfrage teilnehmen zu können muss man sich eine Emailadresse auf Yahoo besorgen und sich dann auf der Whisperslist von Harlequin Games registrieren:

Dann kann man an obiger Umfrage teilnehmen (geht leider nicht ohne Registrierung).

==> Wer sich nicht registrieren und trotzdem an der Abstimmung teilnehmen möchte, der kann seine Wahl auch hier posten oder mir per Email senden. Ich leite diese Stimme dann weiter!
Vielen Dank!


Klaus: ssv.klaus(a)ssvgraz.com
Webpage: www.ssvgraz.com
Letzte Änderung: 11 Jahre 5 Monate her von SSV-Klaus.

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11 Jahre 5 Monate her #5136 von dragonpride
Unter 1, 2 und 4 kann ich mir was vorstellen. Klaus, kannst Du hier vielleicht einen Link zu den Modulregeln von 3 reinstellen?

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11 Jahre 5 Monate her - 11 Jahre 5 Monate her #5137 von SSV-Klaus

Unter 1, 2 und 4 kann ich mir was vorstellen. Klaus, kannst Du hier vielleicht einen Link zu den Modulregeln von 3 reinstellen?

Also soweit ich es verstanden habe findet man das im englischen COC Modul:

A Throne of Chaos variant where each team has a Duchy and also has access to setups from one of the `Chaos lord' racial groups.

Throne of Chaos Map: www.harlequingames.com/down/throneofchaosmap.jpg

The Crown of Chaos is the full length and breath of the Known World in its grandeur and is based on 200 players. This number of players is not always available to all areas around the world and at times players may want a more combative focused game. It is for this reason that the Throne of Chaos was designed to fit within the Chaos module.

The game revolves around a replay of the Wars of the Dukes Ascension fought between 87 AF and 92 AF when Trekwill was reportedly running past the Death Gate and into the Underworld and Unknown Worlds. There are seven teams each around one of the Duchies and there may be some independents. The game proceeds until one of the Duchies controls five of the seven Duchies and all their baronies.

There are the seven Dukes, each of which will be given control over their Ducal capital. Each of the seven must recruit or have assigned to him 3 Baronies with each one of the Barons being given the Baronial city. It is advised that the Duke recruit his own Barons possibly from a pool as assigned by the GM in order to avoid the issue of moles. Treachery and betrayal are part of the era and the nature of all civil wars, so players should consider this when teaming up in a Duchy.

Each of the Dukes and Baronies will have the following Character make up:
1 D class Character (60 points)
1 C class Character (50 points)
6 B class characters (40 points)

The above characters will start in their cities which will have Garrison type troops and an approximate equal population for their race based roughly on their CF plus or minus a 10% variation. Possessions will be balanced with the idea that players will have to train up their own field armies and get moving on their own.

Typical possessions are:
15,000 crowns
100 suits of laminated armor
100 shields
100 Mithril swords or Dwarf Axes or Elven Bows
10 Wagons
100 horses
10000 food

All other positions are 'Citizen-Agitators-Bystanders'
1 E class Character (80 points)
1 D class Character (60 points)

The GM may decide to allow equal Citizen positions assigned to the Ducal Factions or may assign them as Independent and able to join any of the factions sometime down the road.

The Independents must start at Royal Haven or Torgau.

Pax Trekwill
Exists across the entire board for 2 months and then the military wars may start between the players.

To control 4 Duchies other than your starting one and to have all 15 Baronies associated with them at the time of a production. The game ends in 48 game months at which time Trekwill will return and replace all those who have been too incompetent to replace him in his absence unless the GM and the players decide to continue the game. The Achievements exist and will be used to determine the winning faction in the event that no side has obtained a military victory at the end of the game.

The other races and places are there and the GM may use these as scripted events to threaten the Empire typically aiming towards Royal Haven with various siege and raiding forces. If Royal Haven falls to an NPC force all the Dukes and Barons will lose 10 base prestige and 20 base influence as well as a staggering loss of morale amongst characters, population and soldiers. As such when Royal Haven is threatened and the call is made to contribute soldiers or characters to its defense, do not risk the wrath of fate by unilaterally ignoring it.

The House of Barons
The House functions as indicated and it is expected that there may be a spirited division of titles early on based on politics and diplomacy.

Other Factions
Other factions will not be activated and, when characters who are assigned to such factions are encountered, there is nothing that one can do about it.


Klaus: ssv.klaus(a)ssvgraz.com
Webpage: www.ssvgraz.com
Letzte Änderung: 11 Jahre 5 Monate her von SSV-Klaus.

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11 Jahre 5 Monate her #5142 von Akir Noon
Ich bin für 3), das ist mal was anderes als die Standard-Start-Bedingungen ;-)
Kannst du für mich bitte voten?


Nimm das Leben nicht so ernst, du kommst da sowieso nicht lebend raus!

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11 Jahre 5 Monate her #5143 von SSV-Klaus
Eintragen kann ich es selbst nicht, ich leite diese Stimme aber weiter!


Klaus: ssv.klaus(a)ssvgraz.com
Webpage: www.ssvgraz.com

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11 Jahre 5 Monate her - 11 Jahre 5 Monate her #5195 von SSV-Klaus
Bisher haben 5 Spieler Interesse am Internationalen Championsgame bekundet. Ich bemerke aber langsam steigendes Interesse...
Das Modul steht noch nicht fest, wird aber in den nächsten Tagen festgelegt werden.


Klaus: ssv.klaus(a)ssvgraz.com
Webpage: www.ssvgraz.com
Letzte Änderung: 11 Jahre 5 Monate her von SSV-Klaus.

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