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LPE Update
10 Jahre 10 Monate her - 10 Jahre 9 Monate her #5477
von SSV-Klaus
Klaus: ssv.klaus(a)ssvgraz.com
Webpage: www.ssvgraz.com
LPE Update wurde erstellt von SSV-Klaus
Eben hat Harlequin Games ein Update des LPE frei zur Verwendung gegeben. Das möchte ich euch natürlich nicht vorenthalten :woohoo:
Hier der Download Link: www.heldenwelt.com/ssv/daten/LPE_2_4_3_690.zip
Und hier der dazu gegeben Kommentar von Dean/Harlequin:
Full release notes are there in great detail but the some of the main useful points are.
1. Better tracking. For a turn with many orders, turning tracking off/on could lead to the LPE hanging as it recomputed all the tracking. The method by which this was being done has been overhauled/optimised making the process more robust and faster. Please PM if you still get this error at all.
2. Includes the new move plot function useful for planning moves via an intermediate province. Holding doing SHIFT while clicking on a province while giving move orders to a force, will create a plot that assumes the force will be moving beyond the clicked on province. Without SHIFT pressed, it will assume the cost to enter the clicked province is 0.1 movement point from all directions. With SHIFT pressed, it uses the full move cost of the province. It also displays two plot costs as a visual confirmation. The first number is the old plot cost assuming 0.1 movement points for last province. The second number in brackets is the total using the actual cost for the end province, and only appears when SHIFT click is used.
3. LPE's interpretation of overburdening and movement points did not always match the program, now brought into agreement.
4. When unpacking/importing a lot of turns (ie rebuilding a position) possible crash conditions removed.
5. LPE no longer reports free mana given by equipped items for which the restrictions are UNKNOWN.
These are just the main points, check the release notes to be thorough!
Happy Gaming,
Hier der Download Link: www.heldenwelt.com/ssv/daten/LPE_2_4_3_690.zip
Und hier der dazu gegeben Kommentar von Dean/Harlequin:
Full release notes are there in great detail but the some of the main useful points are.
1. Better tracking. For a turn with many orders, turning tracking off/on could lead to the LPE hanging as it recomputed all the tracking. The method by which this was being done has been overhauled/optimised making the process more robust and faster. Please PM if you still get this error at all.
2. Includes the new move plot function useful for planning moves via an intermediate province. Holding doing SHIFT while clicking on a province while giving move orders to a force, will create a plot that assumes the force will be moving beyond the clicked on province. Without SHIFT pressed, it will assume the cost to enter the clicked province is 0.1 movement point from all directions. With SHIFT pressed, it uses the full move cost of the province. It also displays two plot costs as a visual confirmation. The first number is the old plot cost assuming 0.1 movement points for last province. The second number in brackets is the total using the actual cost for the end province, and only appears when SHIFT click is used.
3. LPE's interpretation of overburdening and movement points did not always match the program, now brought into agreement.
4. When unpacking/importing a lot of turns (ie rebuilding a position) possible crash conditions removed.
5. LPE no longer reports free mana given by equipped items for which the restrictions are UNKNOWN.
These are just the main points, check the release notes to be thorough!
Happy Gaming,
Klaus: ssv.klaus(a)ssvgraz.com
Webpage: www.ssvgraz.com
Letzte Änderung: 10 Jahre 9 Monate her von SSV-Klaus.
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10 Jahre 10 Monate her #5482
von Iljiijli
Iljiijli antwortete auf Aw: LPE Update
Hallo Leute,
auf den ersten Blick .. SEHR SEHR zu empfehlen!
Wenn die Release Notes alles halten was sie versprechen, dann steckt da wirklich viel Arbeit drinnen.
Hervorzuheben dabei .. die Bewegungskosten werden durchgängig richtig gerechnet und zwar nicht nur so wie man selber laufen will. Der LPE findet auch über sehr weite Strecken den absolut richtigen Weg - und selbst wenn der günstigste Weg wirklich einen riesigen Umweg macht!
auf den ersten Blick .. SEHR SEHR zu empfehlen!
Wenn die Release Notes alles halten was sie versprechen, dann steckt da wirklich viel Arbeit drinnen.
Hervorzuheben dabei .. die Bewegungskosten werden durchgängig richtig gerechnet und zwar nicht nur so wie man selber laufen will. Der LPE findet auch über sehr weite Strecken den absolut richtigen Weg - und selbst wenn der günstigste Weg wirklich einen riesigen Umweg macht!
Bitte Anmelden um der Konversation beizutreten.
10 Jahre 10 Monate her - 10 Jahre 10 Monate her #5483
von SSV-Klaus
Klaus: ssv.klaus(a)ssvgraz.com
Webpage: www.ssvgraz.com
SSV-Klaus antwortete auf Aw: LPE Update
Kleine, aber zu erwartende Fehlerchen in der aktuellen Version werden bald durch ein Update korrigiert werden (davon gehe ich zumindest mal aus).
Harlequin hat auch die "LPE full release notes" für die neue Version auf ihrere Homepage zum Download bereit gestellt. Sie ist sehr ausführlich! Vorbildkich!
Changes for LPE 2.4.0
(Build 528)
- Corrected issues with data export. Some fields in character and force data were being exported as 0 rather then the actual data. Some pieces were being exported as located "off-map" when it should be "unknown".
- Revised data IO routines so they are less likely to crash when given a bad record ID. Also made small performance improvements. Fixed reads so they no longer create blank records when something does not yet exist, to avoid unneccessary file writes.
- Fixed possessions files so they can be twice as big. Can now hold up to 65535 records instead of the previous limit of 32767. Fixed a record leak caused by order tracking when the LPE crashes.
- Made lots of performance improvements to order tracking. Tracking no longer writes temporary tracking data to the possessions file.
- The 'Tracking' option should no longer unset itself when orders or template turns are loaded.
- The status highlight on orders now updates on all order lines rather then just the line of the order being edited.
- Corrected race restrictions shown in the data viewer for various item subtypes. The were categories that were not being properly displayed. Also extended to show new race restriction categories that were recently added to Legends.
- Corrected an error in how new marks were tested for. Items with restrictions that depend on these should now properly affect what is offered when entering character orders. For instance, in free mana calculations and spells that character can cast. Also corrected items whose restrictions are unknown so the restriction is no longer satisfied, this is to stop them spuriously offering effects the character might not be able to use. (Need to change Legends so it always reports the restricions of items that are equipped and usable, like the XML does).
- Corrected movement calculations to more closely match the game. This includes properly handling negative movement modifiers from troop training types. A mechanism has been introduced that will include actual tradegood weight in the burden calculations, but this won't be working until a future game update as it requires additional item records to be exported.
- Fixed orders crashing when they were for unknown pop segs, or pop segs whose force is off map or not known.
- Fixed production order editing so unknown values display as 0 rather then as big negative numbers. Changed the display slightly so it makes a better distinction between "unused pop that remains to be allocated" from "pop allocated in excess of what is available". For the later case, the "unused pop" figure now disappears when before the number shown would become the total in excess of what is available while still calling it "unused". Corrected the dropdowns so only weapons, armors and shields that are allowed to produced will be listed. For OR it was previously offering improvised items then erasing the item number when manually entered or picked from the list. It also should no longer erase manually entered item ID that it thinks cannot be produced.
- Changed order editing so items used already are removed from the drop down lists of other fields in the same order. This is most noticeable with the T6 order and the misc item fields of the Q1 order. This can cause confusion if a character has only 1 of a misc item, and a Q1 order is entered so the same item is set to be equipped in both misc item slots (manually rather then using the drop down lists). That item will then be absent from both slots drop down lists when the order is later edited. This is becaused the LPE order editor sees that the other slot is using the one and only item, so cannot offer it in the list for the slot being edited. T, no mater which way round they are examined. To make it reappear, one of the slots will need to be changed to a different item or 0, after which it appears in the drop down list of the other.
- Fixed the display of spells in the data viewer so battle, duel and AA spells properly show their details when the detail page's tab is clicked.
- Fixed an issue in the item data viewer where the tabs that select which details to view were not synchronised with the data page being shown. For instance if a weapon was displayed, then the view switched to a race then back to a weapon. The details page shown for the weapon would not be the one the tab bar below it is indicating.
- Tried to fix spurious "save data" prompts when closing the data viewer. Found some but have probably missed others.
- Fixed an issue with how forces store ownership. The LPE is improperly using a field the game uses for something else.
- Fixed a minor issue where magic overlays could become shared between characters, and fleet overlays could be shared between forces. It was never noticeable for a player's own forces and characters, but could be visible in the data viewer for other player's pieces if you've not had any recent data for them. Paradoxically, this change can create additional duplicate links when updating data created by an older LPE but this is harmless as it will only happen to old data for other players, and will self repair once new data for them is loaded.
- Fixed a rare error where a character could be recorded as being in the wrong place because it mistakenly thinks it is already where it should be. Caused be confusing the same ID of different types of pieces. Also stopped it erroneously re-chaining characters, guilds and markets that are already in the right place, but where the same check was failing to detect that.
- Fixed an unpack issue when importing data older then data already present. It could sometimes mark records with the older date. This in turn can cause the most recent data to be overwritten if more data is then imported whose date is between those oldest and newest dates.
- Extended the range of message ID that can be stored. Up to 32000 from the previous 19999.
- Fixed a problem where faction leaders were not being recognised.
- Fixed the 'Contact GM' name for spells on items when the spell ID was greater than 1000.
(Build 544)
- Fixed the "no zip found" error that occurs when unpacking multiple zip files.
- Extracts password automatically from ally's setup turn.
- Now unpacks selected files in last to first order. Oldest files are usually at the bottom of the list so this should now be unpacking older files first, unlike previous version which usually did newer files first. Note though you still need to be careful when unpacking a mix of your own and allies turns. Your data is automatically imported, but ally's are still unpacked only. They must be imported via the data import screen.
- Fixed an issue where some database viewer screens could go into an infinite refresh loop. The screens affected would flicker when this happens. An example was the religion screen where the miracle screen would constantly flicker and not show anything.
- Corrected an issue with an interim patch where guild imports were going wrong because the game was sending a corrupt data field and the LPE had been fixed to act sensibly on the corrupt data. Reverted to the previous workaround for this export glitch.
(Build 607)
- Fixed a crash when the move plot is 75 characters long
- Fixed movement cost calculation to correctly handle roads, rivers, coasts and province movement modifiers
- Revised the plot calculator to find much cheaper move plots then it used to be able to do. It now makes much better use of roads for instance.
- Revised the plot calculator to work in two modes. The usual mode is the like the old LPE where it assumes the cost to enter the province clicked on is always 0.1 movement points whatever direction it is entered from. A new mode has been added if SHIFT is held down when clicking on a province. This uses the full move cost of the province clicked and produces a better overall move plot if this province is not the final end province of the force's movement. In this mode, two numbers are displayed as the plot cost. The first is the cost of the plot if this is the end province (uses 0.1 cost to enter it). The second number in brackets is the total cost so far assuming more additional movement is going to be entered. The intended purpose is to produce more optimal plots when moving via a specific province that is not the end province. So if a force is starting in X and wishes to finish in Y, but get there via province A. The hold down SHIFT, click on A, release SHIFT, click on Y will produce the lowest possible cost plot. Not holding down SHIFT when clicking A will still produce a plot, but it can be a more expensive plot because the 0.1 cost it then assumes for A means it thinks a diagonal entry into A is as good as an orthogonal one, when overall it is not.
(Build 619)
- Tweaked the move plot calculator. Adjusted some parameters to widen the search a little more. Improved the function that calculates a score for closest to the direct line path, that decides between plots that have the same total cost.
(Build 622)
- Fixed a crash while finding spells or miracles to show when doing an S8 or S9 order.
(Build 626)
- Fixed a problem calculating training multiplier for hated and tolerated races. Had changed it to use the standard race restriction function because it uses the same special codes, however missed that code 0 is a special case that must evaluate to false here, whereas on items it matches always true. Because of this a 0 in the list of hated races was causing all races other then the trainer's race be considered hated, when it was supposed to mean ignore this place in the list.
Harlequin hat auch die "LPE full release notes" für die neue Version auf ihrere Homepage zum Download bereit gestellt. Sie ist sehr ausführlich! Vorbildkich!
Changes for LPE 2.4.0
(Build 528)
- Corrected issues with data export. Some fields in character and force data were being exported as 0 rather then the actual data. Some pieces were being exported as located "off-map" when it should be "unknown".
- Revised data IO routines so they are less likely to crash when given a bad record ID. Also made small performance improvements. Fixed reads so they no longer create blank records when something does not yet exist, to avoid unneccessary file writes.
- Fixed possessions files so they can be twice as big. Can now hold up to 65535 records instead of the previous limit of 32767. Fixed a record leak caused by order tracking when the LPE crashes.
- Made lots of performance improvements to order tracking. Tracking no longer writes temporary tracking data to the possessions file.
- The 'Tracking' option should no longer unset itself when orders or template turns are loaded.
- The status highlight on orders now updates on all order lines rather then just the line of the order being edited.
- Corrected race restrictions shown in the data viewer for various item subtypes. The were categories that were not being properly displayed. Also extended to show new race restriction categories that were recently added to Legends.
- Corrected an error in how new marks were tested for. Items with restrictions that depend on these should now properly affect what is offered when entering character orders. For instance, in free mana calculations and spells that character can cast. Also corrected items whose restrictions are unknown so the restriction is no longer satisfied, this is to stop them spuriously offering effects the character might not be able to use. (Need to change Legends so it always reports the restricions of items that are equipped and usable, like the XML does).
- Corrected movement calculations to more closely match the game. This includes properly handling negative movement modifiers from troop training types. A mechanism has been introduced that will include actual tradegood weight in the burden calculations, but this won't be working until a future game update as it requires additional item records to be exported.
- Fixed orders crashing when they were for unknown pop segs, or pop segs whose force is off map or not known.
- Fixed production order editing so unknown values display as 0 rather then as big negative numbers. Changed the display slightly so it makes a better distinction between "unused pop that remains to be allocated" from "pop allocated in excess of what is available". For the later case, the "unused pop" figure now disappears when before the number shown would become the total in excess of what is available while still calling it "unused". Corrected the dropdowns so only weapons, armors and shields that are allowed to produced will be listed. For OR it was previously offering improvised items then erasing the item number when manually entered or picked from the list. It also should no longer erase manually entered item ID that it thinks cannot be produced.
- Changed order editing so items used already are removed from the drop down lists of other fields in the same order. This is most noticeable with the T6 order and the misc item fields of the Q1 order. This can cause confusion if a character has only 1 of a misc item, and a Q1 order is entered so the same item is set to be equipped in both misc item slots (manually rather then using the drop down lists). That item will then be absent from both slots drop down lists when the order is later edited. This is becaused the LPE order editor sees that the other slot is using the one and only item, so cannot offer it in the list for the slot being edited. T, no mater which way round they are examined. To make it reappear, one of the slots will need to be changed to a different item or 0, after which it appears in the drop down list of the other.
- Fixed the display of spells in the data viewer so battle, duel and AA spells properly show their details when the detail page's tab is clicked.
- Fixed an issue in the item data viewer where the tabs that select which details to view were not synchronised with the data page being shown. For instance if a weapon was displayed, then the view switched to a race then back to a weapon. The details page shown for the weapon would not be the one the tab bar below it is indicating.
- Tried to fix spurious "save data" prompts when closing the data viewer. Found some but have probably missed others.
- Fixed an issue with how forces store ownership. The LPE is improperly using a field the game uses for something else.
- Fixed a minor issue where magic overlays could become shared between characters, and fleet overlays could be shared between forces. It was never noticeable for a player's own forces and characters, but could be visible in the data viewer for other player's pieces if you've not had any recent data for them. Paradoxically, this change can create additional duplicate links when updating data created by an older LPE but this is harmless as it will only happen to old data for other players, and will self repair once new data for them is loaded.
- Fixed a rare error where a character could be recorded as being in the wrong place because it mistakenly thinks it is already where it should be. Caused be confusing the same ID of different types of pieces. Also stopped it erroneously re-chaining characters, guilds and markets that are already in the right place, but where the same check was failing to detect that.
- Fixed an unpack issue when importing data older then data already present. It could sometimes mark records with the older date. This in turn can cause the most recent data to be overwritten if more data is then imported whose date is between those oldest and newest dates.
- Extended the range of message ID that can be stored. Up to 32000 from the previous 19999.
- Fixed a problem where faction leaders were not being recognised.
- Fixed the 'Contact GM' name for spells on items when the spell ID was greater than 1000.
(Build 544)
- Fixed the "no zip found" error that occurs when unpacking multiple zip files.
- Extracts password automatically from ally's setup turn.
- Now unpacks selected files in last to first order. Oldest files are usually at the bottom of the list so this should now be unpacking older files first, unlike previous version which usually did newer files first. Note though you still need to be careful when unpacking a mix of your own and allies turns. Your data is automatically imported, but ally's are still unpacked only. They must be imported via the data import screen.
- Fixed an issue where some database viewer screens could go into an infinite refresh loop. The screens affected would flicker when this happens. An example was the religion screen where the miracle screen would constantly flicker and not show anything.
- Corrected an issue with an interim patch where guild imports were going wrong because the game was sending a corrupt data field and the LPE had been fixed to act sensibly on the corrupt data. Reverted to the previous workaround for this export glitch.
(Build 607)
- Fixed a crash when the move plot is 75 characters long
- Fixed movement cost calculation to correctly handle roads, rivers, coasts and province movement modifiers
- Revised the plot calculator to find much cheaper move plots then it used to be able to do. It now makes much better use of roads for instance.
- Revised the plot calculator to work in two modes. The usual mode is the like the old LPE where it assumes the cost to enter the province clicked on is always 0.1 movement points whatever direction it is entered from. A new mode has been added if SHIFT is held down when clicking on a province. This uses the full move cost of the province clicked and produces a better overall move plot if this province is not the final end province of the force's movement. In this mode, two numbers are displayed as the plot cost. The first is the cost of the plot if this is the end province (uses 0.1 cost to enter it). The second number in brackets is the total cost so far assuming more additional movement is going to be entered. The intended purpose is to produce more optimal plots when moving via a specific province that is not the end province. So if a force is starting in X and wishes to finish in Y, but get there via province A. The hold down SHIFT, click on A, release SHIFT, click on Y will produce the lowest possible cost plot. Not holding down SHIFT when clicking A will still produce a plot, but it can be a more expensive plot because the 0.1 cost it then assumes for A means it thinks a diagonal entry into A is as good as an orthogonal one, when overall it is not.
(Build 619)
- Tweaked the move plot calculator. Adjusted some parameters to widen the search a little more. Improved the function that calculates a score for closest to the direct line path, that decides between plots that have the same total cost.
(Build 622)
- Fixed a crash while finding spells or miracles to show when doing an S8 or S9 order.
(Build 626)
- Fixed a problem calculating training multiplier for hated and tolerated races. Had changed it to use the standard race restriction function because it uses the same special codes, however missed that code 0 is a special case that must evaluate to false here, whereas on items it matches always true. Because of this a 0 in the list of hated races was causing all races other then the trainer's race be considered hated, when it was supposed to mean ignore this place in the list.
Klaus: ssv.klaus(a)ssvgraz.com
Webpage: www.ssvgraz.com
Letzte Änderung: 10 Jahre 10 Monate her von SSV-Klaus.
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10 Jahre 10 Monate her - 10 Jahre 10 Monate her #5484
von Partheon
Partheon antwortete auf Aw: LPE Update
Die Release-Notes findet man auch im neuen LPE-Verzeichnis unter "Release Notes.txt".
Der LPE wandelt ja eine Flotte nicht immer korrekt in eine Legion um (Flotte bleibt ne Flotte obwohl Legion..).
Da gibt der neue LPE eine wunderbare Vorgabe für die Bewegung:
In jeder Bewegung will er ins Wasser, er bleibt aber an Land, bewegt sich (falls möglich) einen Fluss entlang und klebt an der Küste, einfach sehenswert!
Die Release-Notes findet man auch im neuen LPE-Verzeichnis unter "Release Notes.txt".
Der LPE wandelt ja eine Flotte nicht immer korrekt in eine Legion um (Flotte bleibt ne Flotte obwohl Legion..).
Da gibt der neue LPE eine wunderbare Vorgabe für die Bewegung:
In jeder Bewegung will er ins Wasser, er bleibt aber an Land, bewegt sich (falls möglich) einen Fluss entlang und klebt an der Küste, einfach sehenswert!
Letzte Änderung: 10 Jahre 10 Monate her von Partheon.
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10 Jahre 10 Monate her #5485
von SSV-Klaus
Klaus: ssv.klaus(a)ssvgraz.com
Webpage: www.ssvgraz.com
SSV-Klaus antwortete auf Aw: LPE Update
Und hier ist es schon, das Update:
Download Link: www.heldenwelt.com/ssv/daten/LPE_2_4_1_641.zip
Folgendes wurde korrigiert:
- Fixed the order file header line that shows how many orders there are in the file. It now writes the proper count of actual orders written to the file. It was counting the blank order lines that some players put between groups of orders to visually separate them in the order dialog. This was making the order file fail validation when the game tried to run the turn.
- Fixed move plotter so fleets can properly tansition from land to sea and vice-versa.
- Fixed issue when editing an existing movement order where the wrong plot could be shown on the map, if a different province was clicked on after starting to edit the move order and before the old plot was shown.
- Fixed issue where editing an existing movement order would show an
incorrect total move cost for the existing move plot.
- Fixed issue where a new turn with no orders in, prompts you to save it when trying to load an old turn. A new turn no longer sets the
needs-to-be-saved flag, until something in it is actually changed.
- Fixed issue with spells from an arcanist's spell list or familiar, not being displayed in S8 spell drop down list. This was a problem with the turn import and may require a re-import of the player's most recent turn to see them again.
Download Link: www.heldenwelt.com/ssv/daten/LPE_2_4_1_641.zip
Folgendes wurde korrigiert:
- Fixed the order file header line that shows how many orders there are in the file. It now writes the proper count of actual orders written to the file. It was counting the blank order lines that some players put between groups of orders to visually separate them in the order dialog. This was making the order file fail validation when the game tried to run the turn.
- Fixed move plotter so fleets can properly tansition from land to sea and vice-versa.
- Fixed issue when editing an existing movement order where the wrong plot could be shown on the map, if a different province was clicked on after starting to edit the move order and before the old plot was shown.
- Fixed issue where editing an existing movement order would show an
incorrect total move cost for the existing move plot.
- Fixed issue where a new turn with no orders in, prompts you to save it when trying to load an old turn. A new turn no longer sets the
needs-to-be-saved flag, until something in it is actually changed.
- Fixed issue with spells from an arcanist's spell list or familiar, not being displayed in S8 spell drop down list. This was a problem with the turn import and may require a re-import of the player's most recent turn to see them again.
Klaus: ssv.klaus(a)ssvgraz.com
Webpage: www.ssvgraz.com
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10 Jahre 10 Monate her - 10 Jahre 10 Monate her #5486
von SSV-Klaus
Klaus: ssv.klaus(a)ssvgraz.com
Webpage: www.ssvgraz.com
SSV-Klaus antwortete auf Aw: LPE Update
Ich habe die neue Version in einem Test einfach über ein exitierendes LPE-Verzeichnis drüber entpackt. Scheint alles funktioniert zu haben. Aber bitte den alten LPE vorher unbedingt sichern!!!!
Mit Überschreiben meine ich NUR die LPE Vorgängerversion 2.4.0 - bitte alle anderen LPE Versionen nicht überschreiben. Aber immer vorher sichern!!!
Mit Überschreiben meine ich NUR die LPE Vorgängerversion 2.4.0 - bitte alle anderen LPE Versionen nicht überschreiben. Aber immer vorher sichern!!!
Klaus: ssv.klaus(a)ssvgraz.com
Webpage: www.ssvgraz.com
Letzte Änderung: 10 Jahre 10 Monate her von SSV-Klaus.
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